Tuesday, January 18, 2005


In recent months, I've been concentrating more and more on language - specifically the language that I use to communicate. I've started to become really sensitive to leaders that write with language that evokes and stirs, rather than just gives out information. Maybe some of you readers have noticed it here, maybe not.
Anyway, this snippet is intersting, as we consider what kind of language we use - about our ministries, goals, visions, but also about our faith, how we talk to prebelievers, etc.
I am becoming increasingly convinced all war and revolution language must cease in the Christian community. What sounds radical to western ears leaves images of atrocities for the rest of the world. Yes, the message of salvation is a declaration. Yes, the Gospel challenges political, economic, and social powers, but the message of salvation must always be expressed in the spirit of Jesus. Our weapons are that of love and compassion. Our declaration is that of peace. Our position is that of a servant. Our retaliation is bent on absorbing injustice and returning hatred with kindness. Our destiny is to die rather than to fight, to spend ourselves rather than preserve ourselves.
It's from Steve Argue, one of the guys from intersect, which I posted about before. Got the link from Mark Riddle, who I check up on from time to time. Link to the full paper.
I think Steve is on to something - the idea that Christ calls us to die in order to live, to spend ourselves. But I'm not sure its mutually exclusive from being a revolutionary. In either case, maybe you are thinking about what kind of impact your writing makes too.
Along the same lines, check out the language used in this letter from the pastor of the Nashville Mosaic plant, who Lu is a part of. Cool.

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