Maybe one of these ideas - some new some old - is for you.
1 - Ember Concierge
In the global missions space, we have equated 'support' with money for far too long. Instead, sometimes the best kind of support is not related to finances but helping people get s**t done.
The Ember Concierge is a boutique support role that solves the plethora of issues that global citizens encounter. Sure, some of these problems can be solved with a friend of a friend. Instead, we solve these issues using our deep, priceless network of professionals who are not only experts in areas such as real estate, event planning, finance, logistics, technology - they also have deep interests in the nonprofit sector and understand some of the specific challenges of this context.
We take great pride in our job of helping global workers solve their problems to get from here to there and then, from there to anywhere.
2 - EmberDY
Do you have a God-sized Dream but are having trouble understanding or executing it? Do people around you think you are crazy? Are those you seek help from trying to pare your dream down?
Join us for Ember Dream Year and let us help you go from dream to reality. This looks like:
- monthly mentoring/planning meetings
- exposure to other Dreamers who have executed their dreams
- learn more about who you are and the One who planted that dream
- culminating in the execution of your dream
* Based on the book Dream Year by Ben Arment, limited to high school juniors and seniors.
3 - 2050T
A weekend advance, not retreat, focused on preparing for 2050. Significant elements include culture, team dynamics, social entrepreneurship, and missional imagination. This advance is best suited for teams and organizations that believe the future is to be created. Facilitated and highly contextualized for your tribe by Ember Staff.
4 - SCAdmin
In 2018, one of the largest issues on the planet is the migration of people - the population of displaced people is the largest in human history. Do you wish that you could make a small contribution to this migration? Can you spare 20 hours a week for administrative tasks? Can you juggle communications, finances, and interesting issues? Could you coordinate volunteers and tasks, partnerships and points of contacts, and coffee?
5 - Mission You
Self leadership is the most difficult leadership task and self-awareness is one of the most powerful tools to lead yourself. Spend a week learning about who you are the core, with deep dives into the StrengthsFinder, MBTI and APEST personality and temperament psychometrics. Combine these psychometric deep dives with lightweight service projects, a like-minded team of emerging leaders and travel to another culture and you'll return home with an incredible framework for leadership in the future. Limited to high school juniors up to and including college seniors.
* The inception of this idea was in the summer of 2008, even before Ember existed, but the idea never got momentum. World Class Cities Ministries is running something similar this coming October.
6 - City Guides
Part travel guide, part missional map, these 3 page city guides are written by Ember Staff and friends who have personally visited these cities. You'll find recommendations for logistics like food, lodging, transport and interesting sights written from the Ember lens, keeping in mind concepts such as ethnography, people groups, cultural distance, and innovation in the social sector.