Catching you up with some of the bright spots in emerging global leaders that I've had the honor to serve with.
MichelleK traveled with us in a previous student missions life through Europe in 2007 and 2008 and went on to study International Development and Economics in college. She's currently on a study abroad program in South Africa [looks like fun huh?]. She's writing a blog about her experience. But of course, she can't help but try to inform the rest of us about her perspective about
global food prices,
questions Americans get, and international macroeconomic

Andrew, one of two
2010 Ember interns, is capitalizing on a summer cross cultural extension that his school offers called
Duke Engage. The fun thing about this program is that although it's associated with school, the student gets to take the initiative to set it all up. In other words, you own it. Andrew is serving in Nairobi, Kenya with a ministry that our good friend
KellanD worked with in 2009, which includes an orphanage environment, some educational opportunities and some sports ministry.

John, the second 2010 Ember interns, is putting some plans together to serve in Mozambique this coming summer. Tentative plans include three weeks in an orphanage in Pemba, along with outreaches to village communities outside of the city area. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world,
ranked 187 out of 207 in 2006.
You've probably got some high school kids in your midst that might be interested in these kinds of global leadership concepts. Like these three, kids that care about global issues also probably care a great deal about their own culture. Give a high school student enough experience and exposure to global leadership and you might get something like this.