Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Only 3?

Only 3?
I just realized, I think, two days ago, that I'm actually going on 3 mission trips this summer. Does that sound a little ridiculous to you too?
1 - with my daughter K - Mustard Seeds
2 - middle school weekend - CMTS
3 - SPACEcrew - NYC
I guess it's not as crazy as it sounds. Each one of them has some pretty specific goals in mind, are with things or localities that we have ties with before, in some roundabout way, and all of them are pieces that are designed to be part of a movement, not just a one time summer trip. I'm excited about them all, but most nervous about #1, like a wrote in a previous post.
"Something mystical happens when you get over your motion sickness and begin to move with God." - McManus
Expecting that God will move in the circumstances where we feel least confident, I think #1 will be big. Maybe I will end up barfing sometime during that week...

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