Saturday, August 13, 2005

Brazil financials

I'm trying to finish all the financials for the trip this weekend. That should close the whole trip mentally for me. Then I can move on.

In terms of how we dealt with spending money for the individual students -- they gave me a check, I deposited that in my account and then bought whatever they wanted and put it on my credit card. I kept pretty close track of what they spent. I will now go through all the receipts and give them a rebate check as well as a record of what they spent.

And for the overall trip... drumroll please....

flight - $13276.50
transit costs (shuttle, team meals, etc.) - $1642.76
costs in Brazil - $446.98
Total Expenses - $15366.24
(In other words, it costs us almost nothing to live and eat there.)

In terms of financial support, we are $15146.25 as of yesterday's mail. Oh, and this is not counting the $6000 credit we have from United. Oh, and the last Sunday we were in church, a parent of a graduating senior wrote us a check for $1500. Jesus gets it right on the money.

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