Sunday, April 24, 2005

Mission lead team

I spent some time tonight with some of our up and coming mission team leaders. This is the lead team that will lead my Brazil team... if Brazil happens. If not Brazil, then they will lead a team that will go somewhere else. I'm okay if Brazil doesn't happen. It will take a bit of some thinking on our feet.
Granted, we are pretty late for this specific team for this summer. One key thing that this trip is waiting on is some positive confirmation from our host missionary. I know he wants to do it, but he is doing a bit of legwork on his part before we make the commitment. I don't want to rush him because I know our whole goal is to help him with something he is already doing. We want to encourage and assist him.
The converse would be to push him along, according to our agenda and timetable. We certainly have some milestones to meet, but if our whole motive is to assist him, that would be the wrong perspective.
Mission always clarifies.
This lead team is going to be phenomenal. I'm really excited about working with them. They bring an energy and passion to this whole thing. They work well with students, are commited to their own personal growth and desire to launch the next generation to the ends of the earth. More exciting than working personally with them, I know some students are going to be really energized and motivated by their leadership.

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