Sunday, September 03, 2006

SPACE Rendezvous

Rendezvous is the name of our new SPACE gathering - one of the ideas that we are going to experiment with this year. This gathering will focus on investing in students that have been a part of our summer teams and/or are students interested in global cultures, cross cultural mission and the future of the Church. These gatherings are one of the key strategies in our slight change in direction for SPACE this year and I think it's going to be really cool to see how it works out. The essence will be to invest in these kids in those aforementioned areas - culture, mission and the future - but also give a slight spin to those topics towards some kind of leadership development. The gathering is going to be in two parts - information and action. Not only will the students learn something [I hope], they are going to have to go and do something about it - both right then that evening and also the next week. And I like that the name we are using is French. Ha.

Here are the details for Rendezvous #1:
Friday Sept 8
Meet in the food court at Columbia Mall - in front of McDonalds. Bring a pen, a little extra money and a journal or notebook.

Incidentally, last Friday for the first CpR Friday, SM and all the kids that showed up went out in the pouring rain and blessed two other youth ministries in the county. I wasn't able to go to the beginning as they went out, but was able to show up at the end when they closed the night with some prayer and worship. Many of the students told me it was the best Friday night ever. GCC's student ministry is transforming into an epicenter of sending.
Don't think church, think mission!- The Shaping of Things to Come

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