Perspectives on the World Christian Movement : A Reader
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword xi
Introduction xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
The Biblical Perspective
1. The Living God is a Missionary God John R. W. Stott 3 (7)
2. Israel's Missionary Call Walter C. Kaiser, Jr 10 (7)
3. Everyone's Question: What is God Trying to Do? Stanley A.Ellisen 17 (4)
4. The Bible in World Evangelization John R. W. Stott 21 (6)
5. The Biblical Foundation for the Worldwide Mission Mandate Johannes Verkuyl 27 (7)
6. The Story of His Glory Steven C. Hawthorne 34 (15)
7. Let the Nations Be Glad! John Piper 49 (6)
8. On Mission With God Henry T. Blackaby and Avery T. Willis, Jr 55 (4)
9. Witness to the World David J. Bosch 59 (5)
Two Forces Jonathan Lewis 60 (4)
10. The Gospel of the Kingdom George Eldon Ladd 64 (14)
D-Day before V-E Day Ken Blue 72 (6)
11. God at War Gregory A. Boyd 78 (12)
12. Beyond Duty Tim Dearborn 90 (4)
13. Jesus and the Gentiles H. Cornell Goerner 94 (6)
14. The Master's Plan Robert E. Coleman 100 (4)
15. A Man for All Peoples Don Richardson 104 (4)
A Violent Reaction to Mercy Patrick Johnstone 106 (2)
16. Mandate on the Mountain Steven C. Hawthorne 108 (5)
17. Discipling All The Peoples John Piper 113 (5)
18. The Turning Point: Setting the Gospel Free M.R. Thomas 118 (3)
19. Acts of Obedience Steven C. Hawthorne 121 (6)
20. The Apostle Paul and the Missionary Task Arthur F. Glasser 127 (8)
21. A Church for All Peoples Kenneth B. Mulholland 135 (2)
22. The Church in God's Plan Howard A. Snyder 137 (5)
23. Prayer: Rebelling Against the Status Quo David Wells 142 (3)
24. Strategic Prayer John D. Robb 145 (7)
25. Prayer Evangelism Ed Silvoso 152 (4)
26. Lost Robertson McQuilkin 156 (6)
27. The Uniqueness of Christ Charles Van Engen 162 (7)
28. The Supremacy of Christ Ajith Fernando 169 (10)
29. If I Perish Brother Andrew 179 (2)
30. Suffering and Martyrdom: God's Strategy in the World Josef Tson 181 (4)
31. Apostolic Passion Floyd McClung 185 (3)
32. The Hope of a Coming World Revival Robert E. Coleman 188 (7)
The Historical Perspective
The Expansion of the World Christian Movement
33. The Kingdom Strikes Back: Ten Epochs of Redemptive History Ralph D. Winter 195 (19)
34. The Church is Bigger Than You Think Patrick Johnstone 214 (6)
35. The Two Structures of God's Redemptive Mission Ralph D. Winter 220 (11)
36. Missionary Societies and the Fortunate Subversion of the Church Andrew F Walls 231 (10)
37. The History of Mission Strategy R. Pierce Beaver 241 (12)
38. Four Men, Three Eras, Two Transitions: Modern Missions Ralph D. Winter 253 (9)
39. A History of Transformation Paul Pierson 262 (7)
40. Women In Mission Marguerite Kraft and Meg Crossman 269 (5)
41. Europe's Moravians: A Pioneer Missionary Church Colin A. Grant 274 (3)
42. Student Power in World Missions David M. Howard 277 (10)
43. A Historical Survey of African Americans in World Missions David Cornelius 287 (6)
Pioneers of the World Christian Movement
44. An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens William Carey 293 (7)
45. The Call to Service J. Hudson Taylor 300 (5)
46. China's Spiritual Need and Claims J. Hudson Taylor 305 (4)
47. Tribes, Tongues and Translators Wm. Cameron Townsend 309 (2)
48. The Glory of the Impossible Samuel Zwemer 311 (6)
49. The Responsibility of the Young People for the Evangelization of the World John R. Mott 317 (6)
50. The Bridges of God Donald A. McGavran 323 (16)
The Status and Future of the World Christian Movement
51. The New Macedonia: A Revolutionary New Era in Mission Begins Ralph D. Winter 339 (15)
52. World Mission Survey Ralph D. Winter and David A. Fraser 354 (15)
53. Are We Ready for Tomorrow's Kingdom? Ralph D. Winter 369 (4)
The Cultural Perspective
Culture and Communication
54. Cultural Differences and the Communication of the Gospel Paul G. Hiebert 373 (11)
55. Culture, Worldview and Contextualization Charles H. Kraft 384 (8)
56. The Role of Culture in Communication David J. Hesselgrave 392 (5)
57. Redemptive Analogy Don Richardson 397 (7)
58. Why Communicate the Gospel Through Stories? Tom A. Steffen 404 (4)
59. Three Encounters in Christian Witness Charles H. Kraft 408 (6)
60. The Flaw of the Excluded Middle Paul G. Hiebert 414 (8)
61. Social Structure and Church Growth Paul G. Hiebert 422 (7)
62. Communication and Social Structure Eugene A. Nida 429 (9)
63. The Viable Missionary: Learner, Trader, Story Teller Donald N. Larson 438 (6)
64. The Difference Bonding Makes E. Thomas and Elizabeth S. Brewster 444 (5)
65. Identification in the Missionary Task William D. Reyburn 449 (7)
66. God's Messenger Phil Parshall 456 (4) Gospel and Culture
67. Do Missionaries Destroy Cultures? Don Richardson 460 (9)
68. Toward a Cross-Cultural Definition of Sin T. Wayne Dye 469 (5)
69. Cultural Implications of an Indigenous Church William A. Smalley 474 (6)
70. The Missionary's Role in Culture Change Dale W. Kietzman and William A. Smalley 480 (3)
71. The Willowbank Report The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization 483 (26)
The Strategic Perspective
Strategy for World Evangelization
72. Finishing the Task: The Unreached Peoples Challenge Ralph D. Winter and Bruce A. Koch 509 (16)
73. Who (Really) Was William Carey? Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi 525 (4)
74. The Mission of the Kingdom Ralph D. Winter 529 (2)
75. On the Cutting Edge of Mission Strategy C. Peter Wagner 531 (10)
76. Covering the Globe Patrick Johnstone 541 (12)
77. The Challenge of the Cities Roger S. Greenway 553 (6)
78. From Every Language Barbara F Grimes 559 (3)
79. How Many People Groups are There? Larry Walker 562 (2)
80. Healing the Wounds of the World John Dawson 564 (5)
Strategies for Development
81. State of World Need World Relief Corporation 569 (6)
82. Evangelism: The Leading Partner Samuel Hugh Moffett 575 (3)
83. What is Poverty Anyway? Bryant Myers 578 (3)
84. The Urban Poor: Who Are We? Viv Grigg 581 (5)
85. Transformational Development: God at Work Changing People and Their Communities Samuel J. Voorhies 586 (6)
Strategies for Church Planting
86. Dependency Glenn Schwartz 592 (3)
87. The Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches George Patterson 595 (11)
88. His Glory Made Visible: Saturation Church Planting Jim Montgomery 606 (7)
The Shopping Window of God Wolfgang Simson 608 (5)
89. Evangelization of Whole Families Chua Wee Hian 613 (4)
90. A Church in Every People: Plain Talk About a Difficult Subject Donald A. McGavran 617 (6)
91. The Evangelization of Animists Alan R. Tippett 623 (9)
92. Christian Witness to Hindus The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization 632 (7)
93. Christian Witness to the Chinese People Thomas Wang and Sharon Chan 639 (7)
94. Reaching Muslim People with the Gospel Ishak Ibraham 646 (4)
95. On Turning Muslim Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones Warren Chastain 650 (5)
96. Going Too Far? Phil Parshall 655 (5)
The C1 to C6 Spectrum John Travis 658
97. Must all Muslims Leave "Islam"to Follow Jesus? John Travis 660 (4)
98. Context is Critical: A Response to Phil Parshall's "Going Too Far" Dean S. Gilliland 664 (2)
99. Going Far Enough: Taking Some Tips From The Historical Record Ralph D. Winter 666 (2)
Case Studies of Pioneer Church Planting
100. A Pioneer Team in Zambia, Africa Phillip Elkins 668 (5)
101. A Work of God Among the Hakka of Taiwan Ernest Boehr 673 (2)
102. The Impact of Missionary Radio on Church Planting William Mial 675 (2)
103. Pigs, Ponds and the Gospel James W. Gustafson 677 (3)
104. South Asia:Vegetables, Fish and Messianic Mosques Shah Ali with J. Dudley Woodberry 680 (3)
105. Reaching the Baranada People of Barunda Paul Pearlman 683 (3)
106. God Wanted the Matigsalogs Reached Jun Balayo 686 (2)
107. Sarabia: An Indigenous Arab Church Greg Livingstone 688 (2)
108. An Upper Class People Movement Clyde W. Taylor 690 (3)
109. Ann Croft and the Fulani Fatima Mahoumet 693 (1)
110. Distant Thunder: Mongols Follow the Khan of Khans Brian Hogan 694 (4)
111. A Movement of Christ Worshipers in India Dean Hubbard 698 (4)
World Christian Discipleship
112. What it Means to Be a World Christian David Bryant 702 (3)
113. Reconsecration to a Wartime, Not a Peacetime, Lifestyle Ralph D. Winter 705 (3)
114. Senders Steven C. Hawthorne 708 (6)
115. Charting Your Journey to the Nations: Ten Steps to Help Get You There Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor 714 (4)
116. Join the World Christian Movement Ralph D. Winter 718 (6)
117. The Power of Integrated Vision Bill and Amy Stearns 724 (5)
118. The Awesome Potential for Mission Found in Local Churches George Miley 729 (4)
119. Tentmakers Needed for World Evangelization Ruth E. Siemens 733 (9)
120. The World at Your Door Tom Phillips and Bob Norsworthy 742 (2)
World Christian Partnership
121. A Global Harvest Force Larry Keyes 744 (4)
122. Lessons of Partnership Bill Taylor 748 (5)
123. The Power of Partnership Phillip Butler 753 (6)
124. The Lausanne Covenant 759
Scripture Index, Index, About the Editors
Scripture Index 764 (8)
Index 772 (9)
About the Editors 781
thank you! great help!