We are starting to put the plans together for Mission Advance 2008, while we make sure the
Silent Auction gets executed well. Mission Advance [our all team pre-field preparation weekend] is probably one of my absolute favorite ideas about SPACE ever. It's a ton of work and we are totally fried at the end of it, but it's probably the best thing we do in relation to effort to result. Our efforts result in strong teams and strong teams result in a positive impact on the field, good connection with hosts and students that know how to work with others while living in different culture and doing things they have never done before. Those results are worth the effort.
Mission Advance has been very dynamic for the past few years.
2006 was our first year when we took all the teams to the beach for the weekend, because we had some extra money in the budget from the year before.
2007 found us more local and able to serve with a local service project with one of our SPACE friends, Colleen. That year, we also tried a talent stage on Friday evening to engage broader parts of the community. This year will find us local again and MPM is running point with a different kind of element for Friday night.
We've got a lot more help on the logistics side this year too, which is a huge, huge relief. One of our great SPACE parents is running point for food, which is going to be a great project. And you know teenagers - they like to eat.
The various elements include:
- a session doing team initiatives and with some lessons on team work.
- various workshops with seasoned mission team leaders.
- a community impact project.
- spending a little over 24 hours with your team.
- sometime worshiping together as a community and blessing each other's teams.
Like every year, it's going to take a lot of work, but be well worth it.