A few of us leaders took a few of our middle school (Light Company) kids to serve at CMTS over this past weekend. CMTS serves missionaries both out in the field and at home by fixing cars and supplying technical and mechanical expertise and equipment.
We had a team of 21 students and leaders and they all worked extremely hard. Most of it was manual labor - washing cars, mowing grass, landscaping, cleaning and hauling stuff. Definitely hard work and these kids were all troopers.

CMTS has their annual open house this coming weekend, so it was a really good time for us to go and help make the place look a little nicer, cleaner, more organized, etc. What I love about the place is that the director and his wife, Andy and Nancy, have a very cool perspective on the world that you don't usually find. They are in touch with so many people. They have lived a wild life of faith. They aren't at all into image, prestige, or position.

It is one thing to serve and to do a really good job at it. But I think it has to be more than that. One of the ultimate goals of SPACE is that we are preparing kids for something. The things that we do, mission trips, outreaches, serving the homeless, whatever, those things are all on the way to something else, none of them are an end to themselves. And that's what I love about CMTS. It's the perfect blend of working really, really hard, to help an organization that is doing some really cool and unique things around the world. But it's also cultivate a worldview that includes a deep commitment to the nations, the lost, and a life of faith on the edge.
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