Thursday, July 22, 2010

AZ finances and resources

+ Financial Summary

Support Raised - $7652.50

Airfare - $4747.40
Baggage - $396.00
Rental van - $896.08
[fuel costs were underwritten...]
Grand Canyon - $1210.00
Amadeo gift - $125.00
Total Expenses: $7347.48

Net: +$305.02 - tell you more about this later, but all of this will go to support student missions projects in the future.
Approx $668 per person

[And in terms of support, thanks to so many of you that sent in money, well wishes and were praying for us. Like always, a privilege to share this experience with the readers here on the blog.]

+ Resources
- A1 vans
I got a 12 passenger van from these guys and they were great. Very thorough and cost effective - ended up costing about $10 per day per person.
- Grand Canyon railway
- Re:Store
- Amadeo Church
- Friends Feed Friends

+ Various
idea initiation - March 17
execution - July 11
duration - 18 weeks
team size - 11

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