Two of our teams have gone and now come back, both of them returning this past weekend. Like any anxious parent with kids overseas, I'm relieved that they are back home with no major issues. This past week, I've gotten some awesome feedback about both teams. They have said things like "a joy to work with," "so well prepared, "and "to be commended for their maturity, their servants hearts and teachable spirits." When 60% of all short term mission trips do detriment to their host missionaries, feedback like that means we have a lot to be proud of. Not that it is all about SPACE, since if you know some of our students, you know that they were quality people long before SPACE got a hold of them for this summer.
We all know - in just about every venue of life - the better prepared you are, the more effective you will be. Student missions fits with that principle just like playing basketball, singing an opera or building a redundant web farm. We stress some pretty unconventional things with regards to our summer teams, Mission Advance being one of them. The primary reason is so that our teams are effective in the field. The rest is icing on the cake.
Photo: TriciaB working at building a team -
Mission Advance 2007.
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