Saturday, July 17, 2004

No More Prepping

Ok, ignore my two previous posts.
So for the past 6 months, I have been consumed by preparing mission teams.  Well, that time has drawn to a close.  Significant phases of mission trips are:
- preparation
- execution
- debriefing and re-entry
I'm thankful that the preparation time is over.  Frankly, I was done talking about it all, having people visualize it, getting people excited.  Last week was the final LC missions prep meeting.  Of course, there were other issues related to that, which is a tangent. 
So a week from yesterday, the LC trip for 3 days.  Back for 5 days and then the NYC trip, and then back for 2 days, then to see the DC trip off and then on family vacation.
I have to admit, I'm looking forward to the family vacation more than anything right now, but that's just because it's been a long, quiet week. 
We are doing foundational stuff this year.  The LC trip is totally going to change the perspective of these students, they will see missions in a whole new light.  NYC will open eyes and ears.  I want to see those students see the nations differently, and I want to see them hear tongues they have never heard before, and enjoy that sensation, to realize that God understands all these languages, and relishes lives that worship Him in these tongues.
SEMP starts tomorrow without us.  Drag.  We missed a big foundational piece this summer.  Rather unfortunate.  I was contemplating taking a drive up there to say hello.

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