Quick tour of ministry sites:
- Maple Lawn - the housing development across the street from GCC
- FISH - a homeless soup kitchen in downtown Laurel - about 10 minutes from GCC
- the Mall [yes, the Mall was, and is, a site of ministry]
Group 1 assembled doggie poop stations for the development. The intent was also to set them up in the specified locations throughout a few of the parks in the development, but it ended up being too cold for that. This group also made bag lunches to give away.
Group 2 drove around to various hotels to collect soap and shampoo, also to give away to the homeless soup kitchen. Then they did a culture survey at the Mall similar to this one. [1 hour is a good timeframe for this.]
Both groups then met at FISH to drop off the lunches and toiletries. Unfortunately, no one was there. It was neat to see the groups together and also to give a sense for how close the homeless shelter - and the issue of homelessness - actually was.
The goals were to send them out, impact some strangers and show them that they can do something like this by themselves. It will be fun to have this class around for the next four years.
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