Sunday, June 04, 2006

Missions Anniversaries

- Fifty years ago five missionaries were martyred in Ecuador, an event depicted in the move End of the Spear, released last January. All five missionaries cultivated their passion for lost souls while they were college students...
- Sixty years ago InterVarsity held its first student missions convention in Toronto. Two years later it was moved to the University of Illinois and became the Urbana convention.

[I'm working on a post called "Is Urbana worth it?"]
- Seventy years ago the East African revival occurred, bringing great numbers to faith in Rwanda and Burundi.
- One hundred years ago the Azusa Street revival began, which launched the modern Pentecostal movement. "If you are among those Christians who believe that tongues and miracles and signs and wonders have ceased, don’t travel," [Paul] Borthwick said. "Because the church around the world doesn’t know this." While attending a convention of the Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Paul said he asked his driver how he became a Christian. "Oh, Brother Bob over there raised me from the dead," the man told him.
- Two hundred years ago the Haystack prayer meeting was held at Williams College in Massachusetts, launching the modern missions movement in the United States.

More from the article entitled "Church on the Move Globally" in Assist News.

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