Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Weekend Update - Chain Reaction and day job work

A long work weekend ahead of me this coming weekend. My team will be on from 10pm Sat night to probably 4 or 5pm Sunday afternoon. I'm getting too old for these all night work marathons. Nobody at my company can remember the simple fact, "People are finite."

Friday evening I will be traveling to York, PA to meet up with Jeremy and the dudes from Chain Reaction for their summit. I've got a few goals, specifically:
1 - To try and capture their ethos. I don't meet a lot of people (or even hear of them) that are specifically called to student missions. Sure there are a lot of missions people. And a lot of youth pastors. But I don't think there are a lot of people that specifically find their calling and context to be the intersection of students and mission. But I think these guys are. So I'm going to be taking a lot of notes and not speaking very much. I want to take notes about what drives them, what is their passion, and what God is speaking to them about.

2 - To see how they plan. I want to see what goes into putting together an event like a Chain Reaction week. I know for sure its huge. As a person who puts together missional experiences, it will be fun to see what kinds of details they take care of and the subtle nuances associated with them. I also think they have lots of connections within the communities that they serve in. So getting some insight into that would be great too.

3 - To see whether Chain Reaction would fit within our context. I'm always looking for other opportunities that could benefit our students - that is a must. There are boundless student mission agencies out there, but their goals, methodology, and values don't - and won't - always fit our context for students at GCC. It will be fun to listen and dream about whether it might be a good fit to send a team and what that might look like.

I kind of feel bad that I'm not helping out with one of the two student retreats we are having this weekend. But I had to work anyway. And I've already spent too many nights away from the fam for SPACE this year. And I'm beginning to be philosophically opposed to retreats (well no not really, well maybe, well another post.)

And of course, Halloween is Monday, and we love it. D writes a bit about it here, and here is a thoughtful article about engaging our culture in light of the festivities.

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