This team is a lot of fun to be involved in - they have some of the most energetic and passionate students and a strong leader team. One of the most impressive things about them is their DNA of reproduction - which must ultimately be attributed to MPM.
Matt is serving his third Dteam [our high school small groups] - that means that this is his 11th year of serving students at Grace [his kids are going into their junior year.] Dteams meet every week - if you do the math, that is around 1,600 Wednesday nights spent with teenagers [excluding summer time breaks.] Impressive enough alright.
But take a look at the pattern of reproduction. His first Dteam that graduated in 2002 brought back 4 current leaders, not to mention other students-turned-leaders in the area of worship, speaking, etc. His second Dteam that graduated in 2006 brought back 3, at least right now. The important score is not about how many followers there are.
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