Monday, July 24, 2006

Final Weekend

Another very busy weekend. But luckily, the fourth of our five teams is away. LA left yesterday afternoon and I had a fun time hanging with them in the final minutes before they departed. And our Merge team came home and they seemed to have a great trip all in all.

The Cam team also had a busy weekend with our final preparations. We got to stand up front during all the church services yesterday to be prayed over. And last night we had our final team meeting which included putting down some preparations for the camp we are going to be a part of, a packing party - packing all of our team stuff for the camp and our hosts, and hanging together during the first ever co-ed sleepover [lock-in] at the headquarters of the international SPACE office - ie my house.

All of our remaining visas were delivered this morning. Malaria meds start tommorrow. Departure is on Wednesday evening from Dulles. Keep praying for our support to continue to come in. We still need quite a bit.

Photo: After we packed our team stuff, I made the whole team take a walk around the block to get used to walking with about half of our stuff.

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