Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Intentional Family Fun

Somehow, and I have no idea how, K has this crazy motivation and knack for getting us to do family activities. There was the time when she had us do a Christmas play (in the comfort of our own home of course) and over Thanksgiving she had everyone write down what they were thankful for on the back of a cardboard leaf.

Tonight we played Christmas music and each of the four of us had to draw a Christmas picture. Eventually, they will all get taped together into a big Christmas family poster. In case you see it, mine is the very simple one....

I think this is a great streak K has got. Growing up, my family was never intentional about anything like this, we never did these kinds of things, nor did anyone in my family even think about it.

On the other hand, maybe our kids are much more environmental than we think they are. Maybe they listen a lot more than we think they do as we brainstorm crazy ways to engage students. Like when the SPACEintern used other leaves, when we did a beach party at a nursing home, scavenger hunt in an airport...

Photo: K, E and D drawing their Christmas posters.

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