Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What I'm Not Going to Miss

about SPACE.... And why not missing it is probably only temporary.

: Raising support.
I'm not going to miss the every-3rd-day pattern [in the spring and summer] of entering support, sorting and watching Excel magic with subtotals. But at some point, most apostolic leaders have to raise funds for their vision. And people wiser than me have made the observation that the ability to raise funding is usually an accurate barometer to overall success.

: Defining and redefining leadership.
It was an almost constant job to communicate what makes a leader. But not because we were so far off, but rather because we were very close. Slight nudges to the trajectory of current leaders make large swings in impact 500 years later. And when you have a leadership pipeline [because all catalytic leaders have these] investments in defining and redefining don't go away.

: Arranging, logistics, scheduling and coordination.
Calendars, schedules and depending on the number of people involved, a lot of moving parts. I'm not going to miss the level of complexity, especially from 2008, but am pretty sure the movement ethos of this will be back. It will be back eventually because the Gospel moves.

: Using someone else's bankroll to front funding a few of my optimistic experiments.
Ok - this one's probably gone for good. And I will miss it.

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