There are two core scores of SPACE - how we measure how well we are doing. First, let's score how many students after graduation serve in an intentional ministry. Also related, lets count how much of that is cross cultural. Our second core score is how many students we send out each summer and the metrics around those numbers. Let's also see what percentage of leaders have come out of being students.
The first score is important because there is direct function between people that stick around church and people that serve. And within the realm of youth ministry, statistics bear the fact that many students who love student ministries drop their faith after they graduate from high school. The whole intention of following Jesus is to live a life centered around doing something about it. And doing something about it helps solidify faith.
So actually, although we say that SPACE is about student [middle and high school] missions and service, you now you see, like I do, that there is much more at stake...
These core scores also take into account my dteam and the class of 2003. I think it's a fair metric since I actively recruit, when I can, from this class to help me with SPACE. Now that SPACE has been around for 3 years, I'm going to extend the scores to include the set of students that have been part of SPACE that have now graduated. So this is a look at what they are all doing now collectively:
[some of this is repeated from a previous post]
Part 1
** December 2003:
sent 11 of the 03 to Urbana Student Missions Conference
** Summer 2004:
3 - go on a two week long mission trip to Kazakhstan - 2 that also went to Urbana
** Summer 2005:
1 - works with Campus Crusade ministry in Wildwood NJ
3 - help as SPACE mission team leaders - 2 from Urbana
4 - go on overseas missional trips - 2 from Kstan team, 1 SPACE leader, 1 from Urbana
** Jan 2006:
- 3 go to NOLA on relief trips - 2 from the 03, 1 from SPACE
- 1 assist me with SPACE winter expedition - this one from the 03
** Summer 2006:
- 5 lead different teams for SPACE - 3 from the 03 and 2 SPACE grads
- 1 goes to Uganda - from the 03
** Fall 2006:
at least 8 that I know of intentionally serving with students and college ministries around. probably more.
Grand total - since 2003, graduated from the 03 and SPACE
13 - # of unique individuals serving in intentional ministry
10 - # serving in cross cultural contexts
Part 2
[some of you may have seen this also in a previous post]
3 teams (LC, NYC and DC) of 36 people
7 leaders - 5 of those were students - 71%
approx $7,500
3 teams (LC, Brasil and Trinidad) of 37 people
12 leaders - 10 were students - 84%
approx $27,000
5 teams (LC, Merge, DC, LA and Cameroon) of 68 people
20 leaders - 16 were students - 80%
approx $52,000
So that's quite an interesting summary. I'll probably try to this every Fall or so.
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