The subtitle says it all: "What adolescence does to adolescents is nowhere near as brutal as what it does to their parents." Great read, lots of it resonates with me.
::: 5 Things That Will Never Be The Same Again
4. Young adults will not flock back to church when they have kids.
5. Loyalty to the institution will no longer motivate people.
Link via Ben Kolarcik
::: A World Map of Aspiring Tech Hubs
::: The average Briton has visited seven countries.
The research, published today, found that almost one third (31%) of Brits have visited 10 or more countries, with one globetrotter claiming an impressive tally of 42.
::: A $100 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm in Sudan
::: It is impossible to give thanks and simultaneously feel fear. -Ann Voskamp via @boSEEcah
Photo: student missions teams praying for their summer. May 2013, Fulton, MD.
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