Monday, January 20, 2014

Seeing What Sticks

January and February are typically the months where we 'see what will stick.' In other words, we are throwing some stuff out there and seeing what gets traction. I love the variety, the process of these things coming together, the potential.

Along with the tossing projects into the air, I spend some time doing some recruiting. Brainstorming who will work great with what project is a way my StrengthsFinder developer gets put to good use and it is truly generative for me. Then it's writing a dramatic description of what we are trying to do and with whom.

People routinely ask me what I've got planned for Ember coming up or what a protoguide year looks like. I tell them that every year is always different because we have crazy, interesting, and different opportunities every year. In just about 10 years of doing this student missions thing, God has always brought us the best ideas. I'm excited to tell you about them pretty soon.

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