+ By all accounts the Grace AZ ladies [10 of them] had an amazing week. I was only there a few days but I saw an amazing team. They worked and served hard during the VBS and a neighborhood cleaning project. Learning deeply, at each session most of them were taking notes. They enjoyed each other and had fun together, encouraging other and dreaming together. Our last few moments together were spent in worship and taking communion - it was stunning.
+ Ben and I continue to dream about the future. It's invigorating because he's a total dreamer but got the raw nerve to actually execute. He and Mandy have just come through a very tough season of deepening community and organization clarity. Not an easy time.
+ Emily Swinburne served as a fantastic guide for this team. She represents the execution of a different paradigm for Ember - one where we sent a trusted guide to serve as a leadership resource for a team that we didn't know real well. It worked perfectly.
+ Wendy is also having a great time serving with Amadeo. Also a new accomplishment for Ember - sending someone to a trusted partner for an extended amount of time for a deep learning experience.
+ Our Katie landed from France at IAD at about 1pm on July 11. Her flight left IAD at 8am the next day for Phoenix. Well... she's my kid so I approved that...
Some more pictures here.
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