Friday, November 12, 2010

Taking Back The Future

Here are my breakout "Taking Back The Future: Transforming Students into Cross Cultural Workers" notes for the Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment DC/MD/VA conference tomorrow. If you download them, make sure you open up the notes section in powerpoint [sorry hahaha] so you can see some of the actual stuff I'm talking about instead of just pretty pictures about some phenomenal people. If you are reading this today and want to attend, I'm pretty sure there is still room. If you are going, please stop by to say hi.

[Update: had to update the slides, if you download it, make sure it's version 9]

I've included a list of resources on the last slide - here's the list with some links. As always, with anything and everything you find on this blog, feel free to take, steal or borrow what works in your context.

The Forgotten Ways - Alan Hirsch
An Unstoppable Force - Erwin McManus
Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
Movements That Changed The World - Steve Addison [blog]
Rob Wegner
Alex McManus
Bob Roberts
Swerve -
Andrew Jones
Ben Arment

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