+ Long time readers will know that Erwin McManus has had an incredible impact on my ministry and leadership. His two talks today were some of his best - incredibly challenging and life giving.
+ Erwin quoted Phil Dooley, "It's not about church growth, it's about the transformation of a nation." Phil had a breakout, referred to here as a masterclass, but it was full by the time I got to it.
+ Christine Caine spoke this evening and was phenomenal.
+ Obviously, this is world class preaching and teaching and I'm so grateful that my kids get to experience it. For all the grumbling about the megachurch, most every talk here has been theologically Biblical. Experiences like this should also take into consideration that there are other valid expressions of Church.
+ If this is what the Church looks like in Australia, I think Christine Caine is right, this is revival. The American church could learn a thing or two.
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