Tuesday, April 09, 2013

A Front Row Seat

I spent about an hour on the phone yesterday with John Hawkins. John runs a nonprofit called Leadership Edge and I was introduced to him from two mutual Ember friends who have nothing but stunning things to say about him. They are right. John has spent the last 20 years mentoring college and young adults - around 10,000 students have been engaged in various leadership talks and sessions and about 200-300 have been personally mentored by him.

Our conversation included topics like the global recession, how nonprofits need to do more with less, university campuses as cross cultural missions environments and helping volunteers engage at their best. John prayed for me at the end of our conversation - that hour on the phone was a gift.

My favorite - "A front row seat into a life transformed," how John reflected on mentoring young people and then releasing them to do the work they were meant to do.


  1. "A front row seat into a life transformed" -- Love this!
