Thursday, April 18, 2013

May Mission Team Preparation

One of our strong convictions is that most short term mission teams are woefully under prepared. Despite all the energy around short term missions today, this is still painfully true. Ember exists partly to help fix this. Last week, we started some significant work to get ready for a student missions training day happening in a few weeks. It's one of the days that's going to be full of energy and potential - it will be a beautiful day in May.

Like most of these kinds of projects, I love both the way it has come together and the specific elements included. We've got a great team of guides running the show and our point person for the 'client' is someone we love working with. Our three big elements include:

Leaders only - discipleship and kairos moments [3DM]
Cross cultural tools of the trade [lots of this came right from Tradecraft]
Team building - team initiatives - we are toying with the theme of 'trust' for this

Very much looking forward to executing on this. If you are leading or on a missions team, please spend some time preparing. If you are looking for help, get in touch.

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