+ Goals - what are you trying to learn when we have time with ministry leaders
- vision
- passion
- how can we help
- lessons learned - what did and did not work
- demographics - current and target
- how can we encourage them
- how they think
- consistent and repeatable behaviors and why
+ Values - GRACE's core values and how they fit
+ GRACE's strengths - what does GRACE do well and can those things transfer to partnerships
+ Schedule intentional processing time for our team, 2 or 3 times a day after a significant time
- include a set of consistent questions that we work through each time.
For those of you that might not know, this is a vision team that is going to Brussels next week to explore possibilities for partnerships for our church. Not your standard missions trip.
Photo: Kristen our leader on the left, Wayne one of the team, on the right.
[Related: 2012AZ mtg #1, 2008Hungary mtg #3, 2007Hungary mtg #3, 2006Cameroon mtg #3, 2005Brasil mtg #1.]
Hope your trip is fruitful. If your team needs anything feel free to contact us.
thanks kyle - im going to drop you an email later today just to connect. appreciate it!