Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Launch F summary:
24 people (all high school and leaders this time)
Brought a bag lunch and then made at least another in the Warehouse before we left.
Had lunch with homeless people in two parks in DC. Saw three other church groups give away food but not engage the people. Our students noticed.
Over 20 significant conversations over lunch.
Some students gave away all of their food and didn't eat.
Worked in the Capital Area Food Bank for three hours in the distribution warehouse.
Packed over 600 food packs.
Students most impacted by exposure to the homeless and engaging them in conversation over lunch.
Some also impacted by being hungry while working and relating that to being without food for an extended period of time.
24 people (all high school and leaders this time)
Brought a bag lunch and then made at least another in the Warehouse before we left.
Had lunch with homeless people in two parks in DC. Saw three other church groups give away food but not engage the people. Our students noticed.
Over 20 significant conversations over lunch.
Some students gave away all of their food and didn't eat.
Worked in the Capital Area Food Bank for three hours in the distribution warehouse.
Packed over 600 food packs.
Students most impacted by exposure to the homeless and engaging them in conversation over lunch.
Some also impacted by being hungry while working and relating that to being without food for an extended period of time.
Friday, September 26, 2003
Our first event for SPACE is tomorrow. Feeding the homeless and working at a food bank. Should be lots of fun. We'll see how it goes for the first one. Pretty exciting to try to start a movement of service and missions among high school and middle school.
Text of a Missions Newsletter I get. Kind of cool. I'm not a youth pastor but sometimes I pretend...
RESOURCES--2003-09-09 (Top Recommendations)
Below are the responses I received to the question: WHAT RESOURCES HAVE
ENGAGEMENT IN WORLD MISSION? I was a little disappointed at hearing back
from only 20 people, but those 20 people had quality recommendations. In
each section (Books, Curriculum, Periodicals, Seminars, Websites), I put
at the top of the list the resources that were recommended by more than
one person (using the asterisk for a bullet), then the rest of the entries
for the category follow in alphabetical order (using the plus sign as a
bullet). Usually children’s resources are made into a separate category,
but I combined them with the rest. ~Nate Wilson, Editor
* CHRISTIAN HEROES: THEN AND NOW - published by YWAM, biographies for
kids written by Janet and Geoff Benge - about a dozen in the series -
around $6 ea.: www.YWAMPUBLISHING.COM (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Pete
and Esther Errington - Mission to Unreached Peoples)
* LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD! The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper
(From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC & Jerrid Stelter - YWAM)
* OPERATION WORLD by Patrick Johnstone. Information and prayer requests on
every country in the world. (Kid’s version is WINDOW ON THE WORLD by
Daphne Spragett) www.operationworld.org (From Jerrid Stelter - YWAM and
Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* SERVING AS SENDERS by Neal Pirolo Contact Emmaus Road Int'l. 7150
Tanner Ct San Diego CA 619-252-7020--A practical guide to helping
Christians serve as "senders". and THE REENTRY TEAM - 14 translations, 12
custom editions and the ERI edition - 400,000 copies out (From: Bob
Kuseski - ACMC and Neal Pirolo - author)
+ CAT & DOG THEOLOGY by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison
http://www.jealousgod.org/ (From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC)
McCurry. (From: Durwood Busse - Presbyterian Church)
Bunnell - GMF)
+ MAXIMUM IMPACT SHORT-TERM MISSION by Peterson, Aeschliman and Sneed
(From: Durwood Busse - Presbyterian Church)
+ MISSIONS IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM - 21 Key trends for the 21st Century.
The best book I have read on current mission trends and issues. The author
is Stan Guthrie. Publisher is Paternoster Press. Copyright is 2000. (From:
Chris Alexander - Missions Pastor)
+ THE CHRISTIAN AND THE "OLD" TESTAMENT by Walter Kaiser (From: Durwood
Busse - Presbyterian Church)
+ TODAY'S ALL-STAR MISSIONS CHURCHES by Tom Telford (From: Durwood Busse
- Presbyterian Church)
* GREAT COMMISSION TOOLBOX CD: Includes "Bright Ideas!" binders from
Wycliffe with various activities and projects to help people understand
missions better. For PRESCHOOLERS, for GRADES 1-6, and for TEENS & ADULTS.
Full instructions and reproducibles for each activity. Available from
www.wycliffe.ca or info@wycliffe.ca (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Pete
and Esther Errington - Mission to Unreached Peoples)
* KIDS AROUND THE WORLD World Religions and culture studies from a
missionary perspective, for ages 5-12. Includes fantastic videos and
curriculum books. THUMB focus. 10 W. Dry Circle, LITTLETON CO 80120
http://www.calebproject.org/KAW.htm. (From: Jill Harris - Caleb Project
and Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
* M & M KIDS by Jill Harris, Teaches biblical basis & strategy of
missions to kids. This has stood the test of time in children’s curriculum
and provides a good Biblical foundation to any subsequent material on
missions. 4663 Crown Hill Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23111. 1-888-661-9920;
EMAIL:ordersonly@juno.com (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Jill Harris -
Caleb Project)
broad overview of missions and equip students with Biblical, historical,
cultural, and strategic knowledge for mission involvement. For adults of
all ages. Any church can host the official course, or the material can be
adapted for a variety of settings - as it already has been adapted with
Worldwide Perspectives, Perspectives Exposure, Life from God’s
Perspective, Vision for the Nations, Path to God’s Glory, Perspectives on
the World of Islam, etc. Perspectives mobilizes more churches and
missionaries than anything else. www.perspectives.org (From: Durwood Busse
- Presbyterian Church, Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* WORLD CHANGER CURRICULUM - Through the Bible Publishers, 1133 Riverside
Ave. FORT COLLINS CO 80524; 1-800-284-0158 www.ThroughTheBible.com
Preschool & Levels 1-6 (Corresponding to grades one through six) State of
the art visual materials. Missions woven through out, with 13 week units
on missionary heroes and Church history. (From: Nancy Tichy and Jill
Harris - Caleb Project)
Available through Caleb Project. Sessions to build Biblical world view in
the lives of preschool children. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ GLIMPSE: by Paul Van Der Werf (4-week small group study) contact:
werf@fuller.edu (From: Brian Klotz - thebodybuilders.net)
+ GOD’S GOT STUFF TO DO And He Wants Your Help - Created to expose kids
to what can be done to help share Jesus with the nations. It is designed
as a follow-up to Kids Around the World or other missions curriculum.
13-week curriculum includes detailed lesson plans, a video, and student
booklets for kids to write in and take home.
http://www.calebproject.org/KAW.htm (From: Jill Harris - Caleb Project)
+ GOD'S HEART FOR THE NATIONS - great resource. It is an interactive
Bible study that takes people from Genesis to Revelation, showing God's
heart for the nations in the Bible. The last lesson is about how to
incorporate a global perspective into the spiritual disciplines. I have
been through this twice and taught it two more times. I highly recommend
it. 52 pages, 2003 “In eight lessons, author and global activist, Jeff
Lewis, lays bare the heart and mind of God as he combines powerful Bible
passages with challenging and provocative questions. Each lesson is
followed by a time of meditation and focus on an unreached people group.”
http://www.calebproject.org/tools.htm (From: Mark Rogers - Baptist
+ GREAT COMMISSIONARY KIDS by Pete Hohmann (417)862-2781 FAX:
(417)862-0503 Email: The-Great-Commissionary Kids@ag.org “They don’t have
to wait until they grow up!” Everything you need to know to mobilize kids
for ministry. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ KIDS ON A MISSION - major blocs of unreached peoples: Christian &
Missionary Alliance P.O.Box 35000, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500 (719)
599-5999 Three ring binder, reproducibles, lesson plans, and video
presentations for each of eight sessions. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE GREAT KIDMISSION Editor: Mary Gross Gospel Light Pub. At your local
Christian bookstore. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE TRAVELING TEAM’S 12 Lessons “Challenge to Become a World Christian”
http://www.thetravelingteam.org/2000/world/lessons.shtml (From: Brian
Klotz - thebodybuilders.net)
* MISSION FRONTIERS, from USCWM, in Pasadena. www.missionfrontiers.org For
readings and articles to stay abreast of mission thinking and strategy.
(From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee and Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
* MISSION MOBILIZERS E-ZINE - Equips Christian leaders to mobilize for
missions. Includes articles, resource lists, Q&A forum, and world
newsbriefs. (From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee and of course Nate
Wilson - Caleb Project)
+ ASK A MISSIONARY www.askamissionary.com Explore recommended resources &
links on becoming a missionary and portals for short termers, senders,
intercessors, welcomers. Post questions and read answers on
Support-Raising, Selecting an agency, The Call, Tentmaking, Training,and
Singles/Families. (From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee)
+ BRIGADA TODAY by Doug Lucas. The mother of all mission Email
newsletters. www.brigada.org or subscribe at
brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Brief profiles on technical
resources and all sorts of other mission resources. (From: Brian Johnson -
mission committee)
+ CMDNET WEEKLY UPDATE from Bob Hall from New Zealand. This offers more
general and current news about mission happenings and resources (and a
smile :-) e-cmdnet@strategicnetwork.org (From: Brian Johnson - mission
+ GOD'S MISSION PROMISES: A weekly e-column written by Phil Bickel,
Produced by LCMS WORLD MISSION. This offers a story/anecdote that leads to
a wee Bible study and a couple of penetrating questions, and it has very
limited Lutheran content, making it appropriate for anyone.
www.lcmsworldmission.org/mp (From: Brian Johnson - mission committee)
+ NAME (Network of Australian Mission Enthusiasts) The School of Cross
Cultural Mission at Sydney Missionary and Bible College in Australia has a
monthly e-zine for mission secretaries and mission enthusiasts in local
churches. Contains biblical reflections on the role of the local church in
world mission, practical ideas on how to raise mission awareness in a
local church, and news on appropriate resources. Email:
smbc@ozemail.com.au with the message "subscribe-NAME" (From: Brian Johnson
- mission committee)
* MISSION MOBILIZATION SKITS by Caleb Project. 22 popular skits (4-15
minutes each) including the revised and updated World-View Demonstration
will enable you to provide entertaining and impactful presentations that
adults and youth will enjoy. The accompanying video demonstrates six of
the presentations and includes training. Topics include: priorities,
distractions from missionary service, awareness of unreached people
groups, the power of prayer, God's heart for all nations, and many more.
Tap into more than a decade's worth of powerful experience in church
mobilization with these skits. www.calebproject.org/tools.htm#SCVC (From
Jerrid Stelter - YWAM and Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* UNVEILINGLORY - The new "Cat & Dog Theology" from Bob Sjogren that
replaces the old Destination 2000 series. This is a fast-paced multi media
PowerPoint presentation; he has trained several other speakers to give the
presentation. Check out http://www.catanddogtheology.com or
http://www.gospelcom.net/unveilinglory/ (From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC and Nate
Wilson - Caleb Project)
+ DAY OF DISCOVERY (www.dayofdiscovery.org) From: Jim Allen
[pointman@aristotle.net] (ACMC)
+ GLOBAL FOCUS (www.globalfocus.org) From: Jim Allen
[pointman@aristotle.net] (ACMC)
+ Ken Williams' and International Training Partners' interpersonal
relationship skills seminar and website at
http://www.relationshipskills.com/ (From: Pete and Esther - Mission to
Unreached Peoples)
* OPERATION WORLD: http://www.gmi.org/ow/ Make it your home page! They
have a daily devotional and it's like getting an email daily, except they
don't have to manage a mailing list! http://www.gmi.org/ow/# (From: Brian
Johnson - mission committee and Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ GODSKIDS.ORG You’ll love this one. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ JORDONCOOPER.COM Blog from a pastor in California named Jordon Cooper
(From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ LEADINGDYINGCHURCHES.COM (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ MISSION ONE: www.mission1.org - Some good studies downloaded from there
for students (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ PEOPLEGROUPS.ORG (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ SAMARITAN’S PURSE: www.samaritanspurse.org Highly recommended prayer
tool, especially good for weekly use in families: PRAYER POINT published,
free, every other month by (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE TRAVELLING TEAM http://www.thetravelingteam.org - A ministry that
travels to college campus to mobilize college students. Some good studies
on there too (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
RESOURCES--2003-09-09 (Top Recommendations)
Below are the responses I received to the question: WHAT RESOURCES HAVE
ENGAGEMENT IN WORLD MISSION? I was a little disappointed at hearing back
from only 20 people, but those 20 people had quality recommendations. In
each section (Books, Curriculum, Periodicals, Seminars, Websites), I put
at the top of the list the resources that were recommended by more than
one person (using the asterisk for a bullet), then the rest of the entries
for the category follow in alphabetical order (using the plus sign as a
bullet). Usually children’s resources are made into a separate category,
but I combined them with the rest. ~Nate Wilson, Editor
* CHRISTIAN HEROES: THEN AND NOW - published by YWAM, biographies for
kids written by Janet and Geoff Benge - about a dozen in the series -
around $6 ea.: www.YWAMPUBLISHING.COM (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Pete
and Esther Errington - Mission to Unreached Peoples)
* LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD! The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper
(From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC & Jerrid Stelter - YWAM)
* OPERATION WORLD by Patrick Johnstone. Information and prayer requests on
every country in the world. (Kid’s version is WINDOW ON THE WORLD by
Daphne Spragett) www.operationworld.org (From Jerrid Stelter - YWAM and
Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* SERVING AS SENDERS by Neal Pirolo Contact Emmaus Road Int'l. 7150
Tanner Ct San Diego CA 619-252-7020--A practical guide to helping
Christians serve as "senders". and THE REENTRY TEAM - 14 translations, 12
custom editions and the ERI edition - 400,000 copies out (From: Bob
Kuseski - ACMC and Neal Pirolo - author)
+ CAT & DOG THEOLOGY by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison
http://www.jealousgod.org/ (From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC)
McCurry. (From: Durwood Busse - Presbyterian Church)
Bunnell - GMF)
+ MAXIMUM IMPACT SHORT-TERM MISSION by Peterson, Aeschliman and Sneed
(From: Durwood Busse - Presbyterian Church)
+ MISSIONS IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM - 21 Key trends for the 21st Century.
The best book I have read on current mission trends and issues. The author
is Stan Guthrie. Publisher is Paternoster Press. Copyright is 2000. (From:
Chris Alexander - Missions Pastor)
+ THE CHRISTIAN AND THE "OLD" TESTAMENT by Walter Kaiser (From: Durwood
Busse - Presbyterian Church)
+ TODAY'S ALL-STAR MISSIONS CHURCHES by Tom Telford (From: Durwood Busse
- Presbyterian Church)
* GREAT COMMISSION TOOLBOX CD: Includes "Bright Ideas!" binders from
Wycliffe with various activities and projects to help people understand
missions better. For PRESCHOOLERS, for GRADES 1-6, and for TEENS & ADULTS.
Full instructions and reproducibles for each activity. Available from
www.wycliffe.ca or info@wycliffe.ca (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Pete
and Esther Errington - Mission to Unreached Peoples)
* KIDS AROUND THE WORLD World Religions and culture studies from a
missionary perspective, for ages 5-12. Includes fantastic videos and
curriculum books. THUMB focus. 10 W. Dry Circle, LITTLETON CO 80120
http://www.calebproject.org/KAW.htm. (From: Jill Harris - Caleb Project
and Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
* M & M KIDS by Jill Harris, Teaches biblical basis & strategy of
missions to kids. This has stood the test of time in children’s curriculum
and provides a good Biblical foundation to any subsequent material on
missions. 4663 Crown Hill Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23111. 1-888-661-9920;
EMAIL:ordersonly@juno.com (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM and Jill Harris -
Caleb Project)
broad overview of missions and equip students with Biblical, historical,
cultural, and strategic knowledge for mission involvement. For adults of
all ages. Any church can host the official course, or the material can be
adapted for a variety of settings - as it already has been adapted with
Worldwide Perspectives, Perspectives Exposure, Life from God’s
Perspective, Vision for the Nations, Path to God’s Glory, Perspectives on
the World of Islam, etc. Perspectives mobilizes more churches and
missionaries than anything else. www.perspectives.org (From: Durwood Busse
- Presbyterian Church, Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* WORLD CHANGER CURRICULUM - Through the Bible Publishers, 1133 Riverside
Ave. FORT COLLINS CO 80524; 1-800-284-0158 www.ThroughTheBible.com
Preschool & Levels 1-6 (Corresponding to grades one through six) State of
the art visual materials. Missions woven through out, with 13 week units
on missionary heroes and Church history. (From: Nancy Tichy and Jill
Harris - Caleb Project)
Available through Caleb Project. Sessions to build Biblical world view in
the lives of preschool children. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ GLIMPSE: by Paul Van Der Werf (4-week small group study) contact:
werf@fuller.edu (From: Brian Klotz - thebodybuilders.net)
+ GOD’S GOT STUFF TO DO And He Wants Your Help - Created to expose kids
to what can be done to help share Jesus with the nations. It is designed
as a follow-up to Kids Around the World or other missions curriculum.
13-week curriculum includes detailed lesson plans, a video, and student
booklets for kids to write in and take home.
http://www.calebproject.org/KAW.htm (From: Jill Harris - Caleb Project)
+ GOD'S HEART FOR THE NATIONS - great resource. It is an interactive
Bible study that takes people from Genesis to Revelation, showing God's
heart for the nations in the Bible. The last lesson is about how to
incorporate a global perspective into the spiritual disciplines. I have
been through this twice and taught it two more times. I highly recommend
it. 52 pages, 2003 “In eight lessons, author and global activist, Jeff
Lewis, lays bare the heart and mind of God as he combines powerful Bible
passages with challenging and provocative questions. Each lesson is
followed by a time of meditation and focus on an unreached people group.”
http://www.calebproject.org/tools.htm (From: Mark Rogers - Baptist
+ GREAT COMMISSIONARY KIDS by Pete Hohmann (417)862-2781 FAX:
(417)862-0503 Email: The-Great-Commissionary Kids@ag.org “They don’t have
to wait until they grow up!” Everything you need to know to mobilize kids
for ministry. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ KIDS ON A MISSION - major blocs of unreached peoples: Christian &
Missionary Alliance P.O.Box 35000, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500 (719)
599-5999 Three ring binder, reproducibles, lesson plans, and video
presentations for each of eight sessions. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE GREAT KIDMISSION Editor: Mary Gross Gospel Light Pub. At your local
Christian bookstore. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE TRAVELING TEAM’S 12 Lessons “Challenge to Become a World Christian”
http://www.thetravelingteam.org/2000/world/lessons.shtml (From: Brian
Klotz - thebodybuilders.net)
* MISSION FRONTIERS, from USCWM, in Pasadena. www.missionfrontiers.org For
readings and articles to stay abreast of mission thinking and strategy.
(From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee and Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
* MISSION MOBILIZERS E-ZINE - Equips Christian leaders to mobilize for
missions. Includes articles, resource lists, Q&A forum, and world
newsbriefs. (From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee and of course Nate
Wilson - Caleb Project)
+ ASK A MISSIONARY www.askamissionary.com Explore recommended resources &
links on becoming a missionary and portals for short termers, senders,
intercessors, welcomers. Post questions and read answers on
Support-Raising, Selecting an agency, The Call, Tentmaking, Training,and
Singles/Families. (From: Brian Johnson - Mission Committee)
+ BRIGADA TODAY by Doug Lucas. The mother of all mission Email
newsletters. www.brigada.org or subscribe at
brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Brief profiles on technical
resources and all sorts of other mission resources. (From: Brian Johnson -
mission committee)
+ CMDNET WEEKLY UPDATE from Bob Hall from New Zealand. This offers more
general and current news about mission happenings and resources (and a
smile :-) e-cmdnet@strategicnetwork.org (From: Brian Johnson - mission
+ GOD'S MISSION PROMISES: A weekly e-column written by Phil Bickel,
Produced by LCMS WORLD MISSION. This offers a story/anecdote that leads to
a wee Bible study and a couple of penetrating questions, and it has very
limited Lutheran content, making it appropriate for anyone.
www.lcmsworldmission.org/mp (From: Brian Johnson - mission committee)
+ NAME (Network of Australian Mission Enthusiasts) The School of Cross
Cultural Mission at Sydney Missionary and Bible College in Australia has a
monthly e-zine for mission secretaries and mission enthusiasts in local
churches. Contains biblical reflections on the role of the local church in
world mission, practical ideas on how to raise mission awareness in a
local church, and news on appropriate resources. Email:
smbc@ozemail.com.au with the message "subscribe-NAME" (From: Brian Johnson
- mission committee)
* MISSION MOBILIZATION SKITS by Caleb Project. 22 popular skits (4-15
minutes each) including the revised and updated World-View Demonstration
will enable you to provide entertaining and impactful presentations that
adults and youth will enjoy. The accompanying video demonstrates six of
the presentations and includes training. Topics include: priorities,
distractions from missionary service, awareness of unreached people
groups, the power of prayer, God's heart for all nations, and many more.
Tap into more than a decade's worth of powerful experience in church
mobilization with these skits. www.calebproject.org/tools.htm#SCVC (From
Jerrid Stelter - YWAM and Nate Wilson - Caleb Project)
* UNVEILINGLORY - The new "Cat & Dog Theology" from Bob Sjogren that
replaces the old Destination 2000 series. This is a fast-paced multi media
PowerPoint presentation; he has trained several other speakers to give the
presentation. Check out http://www.catanddogtheology.com or
http://www.gospelcom.net/unveilinglory/ (From: Bob Kuseski - ACMC and Nate
Wilson - Caleb Project)
+ DAY OF DISCOVERY (www.dayofdiscovery.org) From: Jim Allen
[pointman@aristotle.net] (ACMC)
+ GLOBAL FOCUS (www.globalfocus.org) From: Jim Allen
[pointman@aristotle.net] (ACMC)
+ Ken Williams' and International Training Partners' interpersonal
relationship skills seminar and website at
http://www.relationshipskills.com/ (From: Pete and Esther - Mission to
Unreached Peoples)
* OPERATION WORLD: http://www.gmi.org/ow/ Make it your home page! They
have a daily devotional and it's like getting an email daily, except they
don't have to manage a mailing list! http://www.gmi.org/ow/# (From: Brian
Johnson - mission committee and Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ GODSKIDS.ORG You’ll love this one. (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ JORDONCOOPER.COM Blog from a pastor in California named Jordon Cooper
(From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ LEADINGDYINGCHURCHES.COM (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ MISSION ONE: www.mission1.org - Some good studies downloaded from there
for students (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ PEOPLEGROUPS.ORG (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
+ SAMARITAN’S PURSE: www.samaritanspurse.org Highly recommended prayer
tool, especially good for weekly use in families: PRAYER POINT published,
free, every other month by (From: Nancy Tichy - USCWM)
+ THE TRAVELLING TEAM http://www.thetravelingteam.org - A ministry that
travels to college campus to mobilize college students. Some good studies
on there too (From: Tony Sheng - Youth Pastor)
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Planting New Churches. Some good stuff there, the idea of a missional pastor, indigenous, etc. Neat.
Friday, September 19, 2003
Megachurches. Does this fit what Jesus did? How does this get interlaced with the task of building viable, indigenous churches?
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
Friday, September 12, 2003
The most important thing a pastor (missionary, church planter, Christ-follower) does is who he is. - Eugene Peterson
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Tips for Having a Serious Talk Definitely some good tips. Ministry requires the guts to say the hard things, the right way.
Interesting assessment for people consider church planting. Church Planter Leadership Competencies Tool I think each person interested in being a GOER needs to at least take a look at some of these skills. Note - its Baptist centric, just so you know....
Friday, September 05, 2003
Beyond the Box Interesting list of comparisions, i think totally relevant to thinking about youth missions movements...
Thursday, September 04, 2003
hello K!.
In other news, kickoff for the service/mission team....
Some goals and values...
• Provide service opportunities for students to be involved in.
• Intelligently target kids who are not already involved.
• Another tool for discipleship – growing through serving.
• Teaching on various service/mission topics.
• Bridge the gap between different age ministries (middle school/high school/gen X) - range of people serving together.
• Enabling students to see their giftedness in a serving opportunity.
• Provide support and focus for strategic, progressive, graduated student missions. (longer term goal)
• All service lies somewhere in the realm of evangelism (I Cor 3), therefore, opportunities will be pointed towards interaction with people when possible.
• There is a correlation between service and missions.
• Devotionals and debriefs for every event.
• Constant evaluation via survey forms.
• Adult leaders/chaperones are integral.
hello K!.
In other news, kickoff for the service/mission team....
Some goals and values...
• Provide service opportunities for students to be involved in.
• Intelligently target kids who are not already involved.
• Another tool for discipleship – growing through serving.
• Teaching on various service/mission topics.
• Bridge the gap between different age ministries (middle school/high school/gen X) - range of people serving together.
• Enabling students to see their giftedness in a serving opportunity.
• Provide support and focus for strategic, progressive, graduated student missions. (longer term goal)
• All service lies somewhere in the realm of evangelism (I Cor 3), therefore, opportunities will be pointed towards interaction with people when possible.
• There is a correlation between service and missions.
• Devotionals and debriefs for every event.
• Constant evaluation via survey forms.
• Adult leaders/chaperones are integral.
Monday, September 01, 2003
sorry its been a little while.
here is what is new:
1 - my padwan, K, went off to college, his freshmen year. good choice of schools. in his first few days, he was feeling a disconnect between people talking about being successful at school/career and his calling for strategic missions. interesting, huh? more to come about that.
2 - the Missions Task Force at GCC has asked me to coordinate a group going to Urbana this Christmas break. a great thing for me to be doing, mobilization wise. this event can take my former high schoolers to a level that i simply could not, in terms of mobilization, calling, exposure, teaching, etc. very cool. so far, there are about 5 from 03, which was the grade i helped shepherd.
3 - kickoff for the service/mission team at GCC, our first meeting tomorrow night. we have a leaders retreat we go to this coming weekend to announce and socialize with. we'll see how that goes, but its pretty cool.
here is what is new:
1 - my padwan, K, went off to college, his freshmen year. good choice of schools. in his first few days, he was feeling a disconnect between people talking about being successful at school/career and his calling for strategic missions. interesting, huh? more to come about that.
2 - the Missions Task Force at GCC has asked me to coordinate a group going to Urbana this Christmas break. a great thing for me to be doing, mobilization wise. this event can take my former high schoolers to a level that i simply could not, in terms of mobilization, calling, exposure, teaching, etc. very cool. so far, there are about 5 from 03, which was the grade i helped shepherd.
3 - kickoff for the service/mission team at GCC, our first meeting tomorrow night. we have a leaders retreat we go to this coming weekend to announce and socialize with. we'll see how that goes, but its pretty cool.
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