I think I mentioned before we left that our whole piece of the children's program was created by our students. Theme, craft rotations, teachings via the short dramas, all of it was their creation. Some of the actual craft assemblies were the adults but overall, it was really our students. I've never seen a team put it all together like this one.
By Tricia and Elly
To the tune of Do-Re-Mi
We are here to watch your kids
And we are really excited
We have come from Baltimore Maryland
A long long way to fly
So sit back and relax
And enjoy your time here
We are here to serve you
All fifteen of us
Deanna, the mother of Katie and Emily
Kt, she's young but mature
Em, she's bubbly and outgoing
Sven, he's lived in lots of places
Emilie, she goes to college on the west coast
Michelle, she likes to play field hockey
Lindsey, she likes to rock climb
And Trevin's really good at soccer
Tricia, at home she is a lifeguard
Elly, it's her summer job as well
Greg, he is a high school math teacher
Robyn, she takes really good pictures
Erin, she works at our church
Leslie, she's training for a marathon
Tony, the leader of us all
And we are the Hungary team!
A snippet from one of the skits, all written by RobynB.
Sven: *looks around* Okay….now that I’ve forgiven Lindsey… how do I find this treasure. *looks at kids* Do you know where the treasure is? *improvise here, going off of their reactions, just don’t find it right away. Eventually, you find the cross first, not the treasure* Hey, a cross! This is to remind me about forgiveness! *looks back at kids* What? The treasure’s over here? *finds it..* X marks the spot….*ponders* Hey! Cross marks the spot! *opens the chest….and just stares at it for a few moments* It’s not gold at all! *looks at kids* Look! *pulls things from chest, the key heart, the patch, the compass, the cross* Love…Kindness…Patience! A new compass! …And forgiveness! *holds them up, shows them to the kids, finds something else in the chest, a paper and he reads it: * Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven… *realizing* For where your treasure is…*looks up* there your heart will be also! I…I think I get it! Love, kindness, patience, forgiveness…these treasures are way better than gold!
*Everyone comes out that he’s met on his journey.*
Tricia: Hey, Pirate Sven. Did you find your treasure?
Sven: *turns excitedly* Yeah, Tricia, I did! Look! *shows her* Love!
Tricia: *laughs*
Sven: *to Elly* And, Elly, look! Kindness! Like the Good Samaritan!!
Elly: That’s great, Pirate Sven!
Sven: *to Michelle* Michelle! Patience! And Lindsey, I got a new compass! And, *holds up cross* Forgiveness! These are the real treasures, not gold!
*All four girls smile excitedly and congratulate him…*
Parrot: RAWK! Well done, Pirate Sven! You realized the treasures God wants you to have!
Sven: Polly Parrot! Thank you for all your help! This is awesome! *turns to kids* Look, mateys! I found me treasure!! Now you should search for yours! Love, kindness, patience, forgiveness! God will give you all these things! And you can give them to others! Arrrrrr, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also! *looks back at everyone else* Come on, guys! Let’s share the treasures! *they…all…go off stage happily?*
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