Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The End of Poverty - Chapter 10

Another post in a series of posts based on the book The End of Poverty.

Chapter 10 - The Voiceless Dying

:: Deeper cause of Africa's poverty than corruption. Ghana, Malawi, Mali, and Senegal failed to prosper whereas societies prone to more corruption such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia enjoyed rapid economic growth.
:: Isolation and lack of basic infrastructure are the prevailing conditions of most of rural Africa, and that rural Africa is where most Africans live.
:: Malaria and AIDS
:: The WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH)
1. Causation runs in both directions regarding poverty and disease.
2. Eight areas for longer life expectancy - AIDS, malaria, TB, diarrheal disease, acute respitratory infection, vaccine-preventable disease, nutritional deficiencies, and unsafe childbirth.
3. Donor aid from the rich world to the poor world ought to rise to $27B by 2007 - about an annual investment of one thousandth of rich-world income. $27B to avert 8 million deaths per year.
:: Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Key point was that drug treatment for the poor would cost the donor world much less. Antiretroviral medicines can be priced very low in poor countries due to high pricing in monopoly and high-income markets.
:: Geography has conspired with economics in Africa - lacks navigable rivers with access to the ocean for easy transport and trade, highland populations having more reliable rainfall and soils but more isolation have higher densities of people, more than 90 percent of crops are rain fed.

[Related: Notes from Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Malaria in Africa, Sachs the Optimist]

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