+ Serving with A Wider Circle. We've served with AWC numerous times now and every time is fantastic. They are a great organization that is making progress in the fight against poverty in the DMV and we love the way they operate. Their diligent conviction that things given to those less fortunate should be in 'dignity condition' is so excellent. If you wouldn't use it in your house, you shouldn't give it to someone else. There must have been hundreds of volunteers there this weekend - MLK is their biggest weekend in terms of volunteers involved in serving.
+ Cultural navigation - Chinatown and Eastern Market. This was a little flat this weekend. Partly because of the weather - cold and wet - and Chinatown in DC maybe wasn't the best place. Our ProtoGuides/Guides probably need a bit more direction from me as well. Our navigation sheet is great but not quite enough to execute this well. Pro tip - the public bathrooms in Eastern Market are great.
+ Church at National Community Church. Like most of these experiences, we love to be able to visit a church that is contextually different from the everyday. 'All kinds of churches for all kinds of people.' Pastor Heather spoke during their current session entitled Detox. Loved how she addressed anxiety and mental illness and that NCC wants to be a safe place that is willing to talk about these tough subjects.
Special thanks to Audrey, Sam and Emily for jumping in this weekend.
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