Later this week, I'm traveling to Croatia to attend Eurocast, which is a leadership conference hosted by Communitas International. We've done a ton of work with Communitas, which used to be known as Christian Associates, our partnership dating back to 2007. My younger daughter Emily and one of her good friends, Karson, who were on The World Race together, are also joining me. I recently joined the board of directors for Communitas so this is a fun way to contribute. We start in Vienna for a few days visiting with an old college friend and his family and then drive to Croatia for the gathering.
This little jaunt represents our first slow restart of Ember and it also reflects a new cadence. From 2013-2019, we planned something every summer and I'm too old for that. Instead, the future will look like special projects I am interested in and invite others to. A slower more pensive, flexible pace.
Thanks for praying for our time. It feels super weird to be doing this again. There may be updates here later.
Photo: The 2007 Hungary team, over the Danube river in Vienna. Lots got started from that experience.