Tuesday, February 01, 2011

February Kindling

+ Big sigh of relief for the Leadership Collective flying like it did. Lots of initial positive response, which is great. I feel like most of the stuff I'm involved in isn't going to see real results for a good number of years - the Collective might fall under this as well.
+ You might have noticed I haven't been writing a lot about the interns this school year. The truth is, for various reasons and no fault of their own, their interaction with Ember has kind of fizzled out. Both Ryan and Donna are still involved with some good leadership opportunities and pulling them away would have been a case study in ignoring context.
+ Unfortunately, direct work with student global leaders is in a dry spell right now. Plan A for summer 2011 isn't looking good either.
+ This does mean I have some bandwidth so I'm eager about what ideas, connections and projects might emerge. I'm also doing a bit of planning for Fall 2011.
+ My mom is making a deposit on a retirement community this week. Hoping to get her moved in within this month.
+ Bought theembercast.org yesterday and waiting for it to go live. Didn't buy it for so long because I'm really cheap. But actually dreamhost offers a npo discount. Told you I was cheap.
+ I recently re-remembered that the 'primary role of spiritual leadership is to create and shape ethos.'

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