Friday, February 22, 2008

But Wait, There's More - SPACE Seniors 08

We've never treated graduating seniors the same from year to year. Some years, we invite some of them to be leaders. Other years, we send them off into the cold, harsh world. This year, for those that have invested into SPACE, we are giving them some pretty wild opportunities.

The summer after graduation is a chaotic summer. It's the last summer at home with family and friends, financial pressure for college is large and the whole summer is an emotional roller coaster. And just for kicks, SPACE throws in some cool opportunities. We've tried to be very upfront about all the issues these students need to think about - with their families. The last summer before college is, historically for us, a much more difficult summer for commitments from just graduated seniors.

We are providing these opportunities because we believe the best way to get leaders is to grow them ourselves. Therefore, because some of these students understand SPACE as well as we do, they are prime candidates for more leadership. These students are ones that have traveled with us multiple years, understand risk and initiative and ones we trust with the future of the world.

Therefore, we've invited these well invested Seniors into leadership for this summer. All of these are leadership-based, meaning not just participation but requiring a certain level of responsibility, initiative and hard work. The four options are:
1 - England
2 - Hungary with my team
3 - Cameroon
4 - Options 2 and 3 above - Hungary ends Aug 2 with a decompression in Europe, meeting up with the Cam team who will be arriving in Europe from DC, and then continuing on to Cameroon. [At least, that's the "plan']

Option #4 is for the crazy ones. Three and a half weeks, two continents, four countries, a myriad of world cultures and serving with some incredible hosts. This is the one where other crazy people have said, "I would do that," while normative humans told me I was a nutcase for planning it.

Sure, it's your last summer at home. Yup, college starts in a few weeks. Correct, your life will never be the same again. But you have your whole world ahead of you...

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