Sunday, August 20, 2006

Post Trip Sunday

Our church services this morning heard about all of the summer mission teams that went out from GCC this summer. It was a lot of fun. All in all, GCC had seven teams this summer, five of them were student teams.

This morning's service included a video highlighting some people from each of the team and then some live interviews with three teams - Cameroon, Honduras and Uganda. There was also a baptism at the beginning of the service and following the interviews and video, Pastor M talked about the connection between giving and going at the end of Phil 4. Like a lot of times, I never thought about it the way he put it.

There will probably be some kind of media available - when I have some links, I will update this post.

It is really important we teach kids how to report back to the people that sent and supported them. Fun morning - wish you all could have been there.

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