Sunday, July 09, 2006

SPACE 2006 DC team departs

I wish I was there to see them off, but alas, I'm still in So Cal [at least as of when I pre-wrote this post.] They will be spending all week with CSM in DC. It's a great team - quality students and leaders and I'm sure they are going to have a fantastic time. I'm also sure that there are going to be some major transformation that happens with some of them this week.

This trip was a bit bumpy in the early summer as the primary point person had a change of lifeplan and moved cross country before the trip. The other two leaders totally stepped up and led and then also recruited two more leaders. Not an easy situation to step into. One other neat thing about this team - one of the leaders is a Dteam leader for the guys. Meaning that not only does he get to experience this with his students, he will see them all through this coming school year. That greatly increases the odds for a mission experience 'sticking' with these guys.

Photo: Some of the DC team at the sandcastle building contest during Mission Advance.

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